Today’s Compass reading features the 4 of Cups.
Starting at the North, 3 qualities I see inside this card are: reflection, softness, and slowness.
Moving towards the East, I’m using the time to reflect on my Readers Studio experiences and get some posts up. In the interim I recorded another episode of Tarot Visions that you can listen to.
Moving to the South, I’m going to ease my self and body back into the normal routine after being gone for so long.

Finally, circling around to the West, I’m setting two dates to meditate. I’m inconsistent and I want to integrate the exercise back into my practice.
Recap from last Compass Reading: I completed my 24-hour and weekly action step and felt free, unconditionally loved, and enjoyed my Foolish fun.
What would your compass reading be for the 4 of Cups?
Leave a comment with your North Star, 24-hour action, weekly action, and monthly actions.