December 12, 2020 Advent Calendar Draw: Judgment. Click to embiggen
On the twelfth day of December, my solstice advent gave to me… Judgment.
Judgment brings me a huge sigh of relief today, especially after yesterday’s Death challenge. Stars pour from the horn, calling me. I step out and answer it. Yesterday has passed away, and the future is now. Judgment is a powerful awakening. We’re learning more about what we are, where we want to go, and taking the active step into the world to make it manifest.
I slept most of today away. The stress and success of yesterday’s transformation demanded it. Today my partner and I celebrated by playing a new game and napping on and off. I’m excited about the steps in our adventure. I can’t wait to see what 2021 brings. Here’s to listening to the messages and meeting the challenge for what’s necessary.
What calls to awaken your soul? How have you put it into motion? Reach out and let me know!
December 11, 2020 Advent Calendar Draw: Death. Click to embiggen
On the eleventh day of December, my solstice advent gave to me… Death.
Death is the most misunderstood card in the whole pack. Too many people take this card literally when it appears. Thanks, Hollywood! Death does represent an ending. Whether it is life or a situation, that all depends on what cards appear around it. Death is change. It can be a challenging transformation that we sometimes don’t want to accept into our reality. When this card appears, we know something big is coming, and it helps us prepare for the transition. This is one reason it appears in the middle of the fool’s journey. Death isn’t an end, but a shift from one state of being to another. It’s the ability that helps us grow as humans and learn.
I love that Death has appeared midway through decorating the tree, just like the major arcana. Change is happening in this household today. It’s exciting, and we’re ready for this journey. I would be more specific, but it’s not my journey to tell. If you follow me on facebooklandia, you’ll know what is going on.
What change is happening in your world this winter? What lessons have you learned this year? Drop me a line; I’d love to know.
December 10, 2020 Advent Calendar Draw: The Star. Click to embiggen
On the tenth day of December, my solstice advent gave to me… The Star.
I was wondering when The Star would come out of the bag. And here it is on day 10. The Star is a wonderful symbol of hope and light. It’s no wonder our ancestors looked to the stars in this time of year. Many people also add a star to the top of their trees, where the light glows brightest. The star gives us wishes and we tell it our hopes and dreams and watch them to help it comes true.
The days continue to get darker and colder and I am enjoying the heat from our fireplace. Our neighbor decorates their tall evergreen with a huge star and we can see it from our living room window. It’s a reminder of how interconnected we are to one another and how hopeful I am for the world to return to a better place in the coming months.
What brings you hope in this winter season? Do you still wish upon a star? Drop me a line, I’d love to know.
December 9, 2020 Advent Calendar Draw: Temperance. Click to embiggen
On the ninth day of December, my solstice advent gave to me… Temperance.
From the desire to gain new perspectives from a sacrifice comes the true integration of balance in our every day lives. Temperance is one of my favorite major arcana cards. I love how it takes two sides, light and dark, good and bad, positive and negative, and blends the two seemingly different items into a who new third item. This is what it is to integrate items into a true personality.
One of my other loves is productivity. I love trying to clear the clutter and distractions so my workflows run smoothly and get me the output I desire. This is one result of Temperance, where I use my brain, my life and the tools I use to synthesize a new pattern out of it all. Temperance is a fantastic idea and card to move yourself forward from accepting the past you, to understanding what you need to carry on in the future, to making a change and putting it into action.
As 2020 comes to a close, how did you adapt to this crazy year? Was there anything you learned to blend into your personal life or productivity habits? How does Temperance influence your life? Please let me know by emailing me.