I participated in my an group oracle project this last month. Amethyst Mahoney, of Heart and Soul, put out 40 card names and asked a group of women to pick a card. The name of the project is the Divine Love Oracle. The idea of designing a card for a unique oracle deck intrigued me. Scanning through the names of each card, one stood out among the others: Create.
Those who know me, know that my whole word is about creation. I write stories and non-fiction pieces. I craft works of art using pens and paper and sometimes my computer. I also weave the world I want using magic and tarot. Which is why the Create card was a no brainer for me.
Once all the cards were selected, Amethyst gave us a few more rules, the big limiting factor rule for me, was that the cards could not contain words. Wow. Okay, I like a challenge and I think my idea of the Create card does justice to the whole process of creation.
The card starts blank. Just as every creative project starts from nothing. I then had my husband take various shots of my hand, holding a brush. Once I had the right pose, I imported the image and cleaned it up in my photo editing program. My idea was to use the card to show the process of a creative project, in this case a painting, as it unfolds from nothing to something. The black frame sets the structure for the painting to come alive. It displays a border, a frame for what is to come. In the initial stage of creation, a single stroke (or keypress), becomes the first dip into creating something from nothing. I chose fire colors—red, yellow, orange— to splash onto the canvas where the artist’s creation takes place. Fire colors, to me and my magical practice, suggest the initial spark of creation. I left this painting “unfinished” so that those who view the card, could interpret with their imagination and creativity where the artist would go next.
Want to support this project? Go visit the Indie GoGo page, where you can purchase a deck and other wonderful perks!