This month, the lovely Jude Alexander, author of The Tarot Game has featured me in her monthly, Divine Play Productions eNewsletter. If you haven’t experienced the game or visited Jude’s website to play a free online version, I highly recommend you go do this. The Game not only is fun, but it also can help you achieve your dreams. This is what I wrote for the newsletter:
I am honored to be featured as the divine player for February. My first experience with The Game happened with Jude herself. She was the first person I met at the 2011 Readers Studio and she took me through my first experience shortly after. Through the game I have learned the fine art of writing affirmations for myself, self-esteem, and the various writing and tarot projects I am working on. The Game is a wonderful tool of insight, exploration, and community. I have had hours of fun playing the game and learning about myself and the others that I have played with.
Visit my websites to learn more about me: and