
Going to Readers Studio 2015

Go to RS15 by Carrie Paris (used with permission)
Go to RS15 by Carrie Paris (used with permission)

The Readers Studio in New York. Since then, my life took a bit of a detour when I moved from Washington State into Portland, Oregon and then had to deal with life challenges. This year definitely has pushed me on those challenges but I am going to RS15 and this is going to revitalize my love for Tarot and gives me a chance to reconnect to my tribe.

Three of my favorite tribemates are on main stage this year: Theresa Reed, Carrie Paris, and Ellen Lorenzi-Prince. I can’t wait to see what these fabulous women present and I’m going to be all smiles to see them present.

Are you going to RS15?

Let me know, I’d love to hang! (Also, Big props to Carrie Paris who gave me permission to use her awesome image for today’s post.)