
March 2019 Planning Spread

To recap, in 2019 I’m using these decks: Awakened Soul Oracle, the Luminous Tarot, and Mudras for Awakening: The Energy Body Deck. I chose them because they fit in with the idea of giving me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a physical hand position to guide me into the lesson. This last card sits at my desk and helps remind me of my goals and gives me support when I need it.

Theme: Devotion
How: Knight of Wands
Helper: 40. Reverence

March 2019 Planning Spread.

March’s theme is Devotion. Ethony says this about the card, “I bring an open heart to my work in the world.” Devotion comes from something we are passionate about. There’s lots I’m passionate about: tarot, writing, teaching, books. You’ll find I’m rather committed to and disciplined when it comes to these things. I spend a lot of time reading, practicing, and creating new ways to share my love for all these things. With NTWS kicking off the beginning of March, I get a rare opportunity to share my devotion to all my passions. I get to teach tarot, share my book around to those who may want to purchase and read it, and I get to write about the new connections I’m seeing in our community. March is a great month for me to rekindle my passions and devote myself to the arts.

How I’ll do this is through the Knight of Wands. This knight is very passionate. They’re so passionate that they get excited about every little nuance of their desire. They shake and shiver with anticipation, and rush forward to share their love to everyone who will listen. In a sense, I’m the Knight of Wands personified. When I get excited about something, I don’t just smile and enjoy it. I rush into the art full force and scream my love for it. I wiggle, I get really animated, and I share the love for it to everyone. *Ahem* If you’ve seen me in person, you know exactly what a force of nature I can be. So, I guess I need to be me this month… get excited for what I love and share it with the world.

The mudra for this month is Reverence. It assists in divine union, and spiritual devotion. I love that this mudra and theme align in synchronicity. Each mudra card has a lot of fun information printed on the back of each card. The focus of this position says, “I bow with reverence to the divine heart within.” It almost echoes what Ethony says of the theme card. I view what I do with a sense of reverence and this month I’ll be able to share it physically using this mudra. Once again, I will attempt to incorporate this mudra in my morning and evening rituals