Blog, Classes, Conferences, Outings

Come See Me at PantheaCon 2018

PantheaCon LogoI’ll be heading to San Jose and PantheaCon this Thursday. PantheaCon is a wonderful, 4-day pagan festival celebrating all types of craft, ritual, and everything in between.  It’s a top-notch event and I’m going to be knees deep in all sorts of fun this year. Here’s where you can find me during the event:

Saturday, February 17
7pm: Mix and Match, playing with Tarot and Oracles, in the Divination Suite (room 947). Learn how to assess your tarot and oracle decks and get them playing together with fun spreads and techniques.

8pm: Triple Goddess Deck Party, in the Divination Suite (room 947). Come see my Triple Goddess Tarot deck published by Lo Scarabeo. I’ll have some copies on hand for sale, and will tell stories about my experience making the deck. Got questions about my deck vision and structure? Bring them and I’ll help you navigate them.

Sunday, February 18
7pm: Pop Culture Tarot, in San Juan/San Carlos. Come learn how Rose Red and I use our favorite fandoms to create meaning with the cards. We’ll share lots of good techniques and fun pop culture spreads.

9pm: Live Recording of Tarot Visions podcast, in the Divination Suite (room 947). Fresh off our Pop Culture Class, Rose Red and I kick back in the Divination Suite and record our weekly podcast. Topic TBD, but it’ll be fun. We’ll also answer your questions on recording and publishing podcasts.
In addition to all this, I’ll be attending some fun divination and other pagan classes to help hone my own craft. I may also be available for some readings.

I’ll be posting live updates on my twitter feed @jaymi_elford, so if you’re not following me, now is a great time to do so!

Are you going to PantheaCon 2018? Let me know! Let’s hang.

Blog, Classes, Outings, Partner Offers, Tarot Products

I'm teaching summer school this year

Tarot for Goal Manifestation goes live on August 8

The Tarot Readers Academy, Tarot Summer School is back for 2017 and we have assembled some incredible teachers and amazing courses for you. I’m teaching Tarot for Goal Manifestation, a class teaching a small ritual structure using the cards monthly so you can manifest the life you want to live!

As a Tarot Summer School student, you can register for individual courses or you can enroll in the Tarot Summer School Season Pass and get lifetime access to ALL of the courses. ALL 15 masterclasses. FOREVER.

All classes have interactive elements and may include:

  • Worksheets and workbooks
  • Meditations
  • Rituals and activities

Tarot Summer School is perfect for you if you:

  • Look to build your Tarot Reading Repertoire
  • Desire to go Pro with your Tarot Readings
  • Love mastering new aspects of your craft
  • Want to create your own personal practice

Check out the incredible lineup of Experts and offers:

  • Benebell Wen – Tarot and Shadow Work for Activating Dynamic Power
  • Kate Fisher from Daily Tarot Girl – Learn the Tarot Court Cards
  • Vix from New Age Hipster – Tarot For Your Chakras
  • Avalon Cameron – Ritual Tarot
  • Chris-Anne Donnelly – Creating Your Own Tarot and Oracle Deck
  • Jenna Matlin from Queen of Wands Tarot – Tarot and Feng Shui
  • Christiana Gaudet – Anatomy of a Tarot Reading
  • Carrie Mallon – Tarot for Empaths
  • Ethony Dawn – Money Magic & Manifestation with Tarot
  • Kelley Knight from Modern Mystic Tarot – Building Your Brand and Business
  • Jessi Huntenburg  – Reading Tarot Intuitively
  • Melissa White from White Sacred Soul – Mediumship and Tarot
  • Hazellie Wong – Charting Your Future with Tarot & Numerology
  • Jaymi Elford from Inner Compass Tarot – Tarot for Goal Manifestation
  • Jessie Hughes from Pomegranate Tarot – Tarot Journaling

FREE EVENTS for All Students – Campfire Q&A Video Calls
Join our wonderful community for Two Live Campfire Q&A Sessions where you can meet with our teachers and other attendees of Tarot Summer School.

If you are as pumped for Tarot Summer School as we are, come and join us!
Registration now OPEN!
Camp Closes – 11th August 2017
I Want to Go to Tarot Summer School 

Blog, Conferences, Outings

22 Days Until Readers Studio 2017

A few years ago, I started a tarot draw countdown for heading to The Readers Studio in New York City. I didn’t do it last year, but I think I’ll start it back up. For the next 22 days, I’ll pull a major arcana card and see how it fits into my “journey” to New York.  I’m using The Serpents Tarot majors only deck for this because it’s my go-to majors deck. I’ll be writing more posts about my own deck, the Triple Goddess Tarot later on.

Strength from The Serpents Tarot

The first card for this journey is Strength. In this image we see a multi-armed goddess dancing with a serpent at her side. Strength is about taming the wilds within, so you can understand the power you have. I see this card being auspicious as a start to this whole travel.
I’ve already started packing. And what I mean by this is that I’ve started laying out the decks, goodies, journals, and my class materials. Yep, you heard it right… this year I’m teaching Inspiring the Muse, using tarot to create stories, characters, and settings. So, yes, I’m gathering my strength in many ways for this year’s conference.

Blog, Outings

Going Places in October

I’m going places this October. I have two special events going on. The first is for me and for my business and the second one is where I get to read for you!

Soulful Proprietor Logo (used with permission)

This weekend I’ll be flying to the midwest for Theresa Reed’s Soulful Proprietor Retreat in Racine, WI. While there, I’ll be treated to a wonderful getaway filled with other like-minded soulful business owners who are trying to take what they do to the next level. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting some new peeps to call upon. I’ll also do my best to blog about my adventures at the retreat center.

Then next weekend, I’ll be putting the knowledge I learned there to good use at the October OWOW Psychic Faire being hosted by If the Broom Fits. Check the banner below for more info:

OWOW October Psychic Faire
OWOW October Psychic Faire
Blog, Outings, Readings, World Tarot Day

2011 World Tarot & Towel Day Tea Party Recap

I just got home from the 2nd Annual World Tarot & Towel Tea Party at my friend Ember’s. We had a lovely 4 hour party sipping tea, drooling over our new tarot decks and books, and co-reading spreads for one another. Read more to find out what we did and what I learned this afternoon!

I arrived just after 2:30 and before the pacNW storms could get any wetter. Ember had lovingly set up a spot in her living room for our activities, complete with a red parlor theme. The tea was already stepping and cups of honey and lemon sat ready to sweeten the deal. After greeting the kitties, I set about to ploofing out my gear and setup a small nook for me to call my own. I brought The Herbal Tarot, the Shadowscapes Tarot, and the Tarot of the Divine Legacy to play and share. We love to have a “show and tell” with our new decks and I got to experience the pretties that is the Wizards Tarot and the Mona Lisa Tarot while she looked over my offerings.

Once we stopped oohing and aaahing over the decks, we set down to “serious” play. We decided to use the handbook that comes with the Wizards tarot to base our day around. We spent time looking through the book until we settled on three spreads. Our first spread was the Strength’s Familiars Spread, which was a fun and unique look at “selecting” a familiar to use. Ember drew The Lovers Card, while later on, I drew the Chariot. Surprising (or not) our readings were rather spot on and we both agreed that we’d do further investigations with our familiars.

We scanned the book again, this time selecting two more spreads. Ember decided that Transfiguration’s (aka Death) Past Life Spread looked interesting; while I wanted to play with Alchemy’s (aka Temperance) Spread. I won’t write about the Past Life experience but it was rather insightful and I can’t wait to see what insights Ember receives when she meditates on the lessons and “anvils” the cards gave her.

I chose the Alchemy Spread because this year I plan on working with the “element” of Alchemy to focus my energies and transform and manifest myself and my magical practice into the image I have inside my head. I’ll be writing more about this process and the elemental working later. I used my Shadowscapes deck with the Alchemist’s Spread and was NOT disappointed. This three card spread helped me to understand what energies I have in carrying out “creative” projects from idea to draft to completion (or publication).

The first card I drew was the Two of Wands. I see this card as the brainstorm generator card. In the Sulphur spot, this card defines and shows exactly how I work to start new projects. I don’t think I could’ve picked a better card. The figure in the card is myself, sitting with my cat (one of my kitties loves to snuggle as I write) looking off into the swirling yellow and orange “creation mists” waiting for inspiration.

The second card I drew was The Chariot. Which was funny and fitting since I received it in Strength’s Familiar Spread. This “Mercury” position shows my ability to nurture and develop new projects as they bloom in the early stages. There’s no doubt about it, when my ideas fully form, I go go go with them until they’re done. I set my mind to it and do whatever it takes to finalize it.

The third, and final, card I drew was the 3 of Cups in the “Salt” position. This card displays the ways in which I take ideas and move it from start to finish, transforming the vision into a manifested product. The 3 of cups, at first glance, seems a bit odd here but for me it makes perfect sense. I rely a lot on my editors, friends and colleagues to help me solidify my ideas, generate missing bits, and hone my writing via editing to present it to the world. The power of community helps me publish my book and as I have an extensive network of professionals, I’m at no loss for publishing my work into the world.

All in all, I was impressed by this little reading and can’t wait to find a copy of the Wizards Tarot for my own study. We finished our spreads and then headed to dinner where we had a lovely steak dinner. As Ember works really early in the morning, I collected my gear, towel, and decks; scritched the kitties; and headed home.

World Tarot Day was a success this year. I had such a great (and long) day of participating: chatting with my mentor Wald, networking with my community on Twitter, winning a copy of Tarot for Manifestation by James Wells, and sharing tarot love with one of my closest friends. As we draw World Tarot Day 2011 to a close, I want to thank everyone who’s had a reading from me, or attended my class, or spoke with me about tarot. You all inspire me and help keep the fuel for my tarot obsession burning.