I have big news. Yesterday I was invited to star in my first Google Hangout on Air show. One of the hosts of A View from The Edge contacted me about my interest and I said, “heck yeah!” to trying this out. This morning this morning I attended a 2-hour pre-screen where me and the hosts spoke in length about Tarot, my life, my passions and general geekery. The hosts are scattered globally and this is going to be a real fun treat for me, and for you.
My show airs at 8am Portlandia time THIS THURSDAY. So come join in on the Google Hangout where I’ll be talking about myself, tarot, and answering questions from the hosts as well as you, the audience. If you’ve ever wanted to know something about me, this is your chance to ask AND get it recorded.
If you’re not able to catch the hangout, I’ll be posting a link to the show once the show’s been processed.
For more information, visit the Google Plus Event page. I’m looking forward to getting to know my followers.