To recap, in 2019 I’m using these decks: Awakened Soul Oracle, the Luminous Tarot, and Mudras for Awakening: The Energy Body Deck. I chose them because they fit in with the idea of giving me a theme, a means to apply the theme, and a physical hand position to guide me into the lesson. This last card sits at my desk and helps remind me of my goals and gives me support when I need it.
Theme: Dream
How: Queen of Cups
Helper: 30. Breath

Dream is the name of the game this month. In the booklet Ethony says, “Pay attention to your dreams. Tap into your intuition daily, to practice and stretch those psychic muscles.” She also recommends to find places, people, and experiences which inspire. Sounds like a good deal for me. Now we’re halfway through the year, it’s time to daydream and let my mind wander and be inspired. With the weather getting warmer in PDX, it’s the perfect time to take hikes and continue exploring the amazing pacific northwest. My land inspires me. It’s like living in a forest retreat year around.
The Queen of Cups is a perfect companion to the dream-like state this month. She’s all water, so she’s overflowing with emotions and connections. Some say she’s the perfect court card to tap into psychic visions and dreams. As long as she doesn’t allow the flow to overwhelm her, she’ll be a wonderful dreaming companion. I’ll use her to tap into my dreams, to explore the rich inner landscape of my mind and see what’s developing there.
The mudra for June is Breath. This position helps create boundaries and ease tension. I hold a lot of tension in my body, especially when I’m working. So, I can see myself using this mudra to frame the space before dreamtime, to create a boundary and ease the tension in my body to inspire quality dreams. It’ll help remind me to breathe more often and deeper (as an asthmatic, I tend to inhale shallow and am prone to holding my breath). An added bonus to this mudra is that it’ll help allergies and nasal congestion. Once again, I will attempt to incorporate this mudra in my morning and evening rituals.