Disclaimer: I received an eARC from netgalley in exchange for a review. I also purchased a copy for my library.
Sasha Graham’s 365 Tarot Spells is a both a stand alone volume and companion to her previously published 365 Tarot Spreads. Tarot is a marvelous magical companion. It’s small and portable and can be used in a variety of ways to affect change in one’s life. Graham’s book helps to promote tarot’s use as a flexible tool for producing results. She’s created another day-by-day style book filled with wonderful spells you can use to get what you want in a variety of different ways. Each spell contains a short list of ingredients (some spells require easy to access components in addition to the tarot cards themselves) and a description of how to put the spell into action. A sidebar containing an incantation to activate the spell, a generic card image, and a tidbit from that day in history rounds out each spell.
365 Tarot Spells is a homage to another well designed tarot book called Tarot Spells by Janina Renee. Graham’s spells are well thought out and have a modern, fresh vibe to them. I liked the wide variety of spell topics and cards used for the spells. Graham does guarantee that each card makes an appearance at least once in the book. There is a wonderful and very thorough index of spells and categories in the back of the book that can be used to quickly find just what you need. She’s even added 78 spells for you to connect and bind yourself to each and every tarot card in the deck. Doing so can have the powerful effect of making the whole deck a spectacular tool for creating magic.
There’s a lot of good information in this book. I will say that the layout still has bugs in it. It seems that ePub manufactures are still trying to mimic print layouts. And when they do this, the text suffers because reading on a device isn’t the same as reading off a printed page. There are many cases in the ePub where the side bar cuts text off and overlaps the main spell working. Where there are layout images, they appear very small–sometimes unreadable.
Bottom Line: Looking for new ways to use your beloved tarot decks? Want to learn how to use tarot to attract things to you? Then 365 Tarot Spells is just the book for you. Graham includes a wide range of topics for you to cast spells. This is a modern witches grimoire for casting tarot spells.