Happy World Tarot and Towel Day you hoopy froods. I’m wearing my Shadowscapes necklace, tarot tiara, and listening to tarot-themed music as I type this. I got my tarot deck and towel sitting next to me and I’m getting ready to have a social WTTD today.
Today’s draw for World Tarot day is: The Wheel of Fortune. What a wonderfully circular card to have. The Wheel of Fortune shows us the cycles that are present in the world. The seasons, the elements, and the personalities we all have within ourselves. It reminds us that we can be in the calm center of the storm, or that we can be spun about without having any choice in the matter. It’s the center of the major arcana and is a happy balance for today. As it also represents karma and the things that “come around,” here’s wishing you all a wonderful day today filled with joyous laughter, sun, and the blessings of knowledge that comes from the cards.
In a few hours, my friend Ember arrives. As we’ve done two years in a row, we’ll celebrate this wondrous day by playing with our tarot decks, swapping readings, and having fun. This year plans to be bigger than before because in addition to our little party, we’ll be heading over to Portland to join another celebration with even more local tarot enthusiasts.
I’ll be back later tomorrow with the wrap up of today’s activities, but until then… have a wonderfully tarot-inspired day and always know where your towel is.