
Enchanted Kitchen: web series combining tarot and food

Tarot inspires life. It really does. From writing stories to cosplay, there’s a lot tarot has to offer.But, Tarot and food? Hey, why not! In fact, my friend Sasha Graham released a web-series describing the joy of combining the two. It’s called Enchanted Kitchen. Fun and informative, it combines tarot and recipes in a delightful way.

While tarot and cooking isn’t exactly a new concept, Sasha blends tarot knowledge, foodie lore, and setting witchy intentions into short episodes which make cooking look fun. (I hate cooking, I really do, and this got me excited to try out some of her recipes.) Her personality shines through each episode and it’s like she’s talking to you directly. I easily wished she’d invite me over for some meals!

There are six episodes total, so you get 6 quick recipe takes based around a card Sasha’s drawn each day. Each recipe looks good and not too intimidating for those who lack the skillset to create good food. Hands down, my favorite has to be “The Lover’s Cream of Tomato ad Grilled Cheese Soup.” I’ve printed it out and look forward to giving it a shot soon.

Great work Sasha and I look forward to seeing more Enchanted Kitchen episodes soon!