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Last Day: The High Priestess

The High Priestess from The Shadowscapes Tarot
The High Priestess from The Shadowscapes Tarot

This post has been pre-recorded for your reading pleasure because I am on a plane! That’s right, I’m travelling ALL FREEKING DAY LONG from Portland, Oregon to NYC. Wooot. *regains composure* This is the day I have been eagerly awaiting for the entire countdown. We’re at the last card, and this is a great card to kick off the 5-day festivities: The High Priestess. She is the mirror of The Magician. Where he controls the elements and manifests his desires, The High Priestess allows intuition to guide her. She is wisdom personified and is in touch with how she feels.

The High Priestess is going to be a great travel buddy for me. And she’s got her work cut out for her as I try and keep calm and not stress out about boarding times, delays, and the general plane jitters that come when flying. Her name and her energy are my mantra today. She’ll keep me “grounded” throughout the entire 12 hour trip. I plan to read a bit on the plane, maybe nap, maybe meditate, wiggle and squirm a lot, and hopefully work on editing some projects I have. Wish me a safe travels and an on-time arrival. See you on the other side of the continent where I’ll kick off a daily series of what went on at The Readers Studio. Thanks for reading along in this countdown.