Blog, Readings

March 2018 Planning Spread

In this post, I’ll attempt to demystify March’s 3 card mini-spread from my Overview of 2018 spread. To recap, the three decks I used were The Enchanted Map, Triple Goddess Tarot, and Spirit Cats. I chose these 3 for their ability to give me concise info and for their ability to work together. The Enchanted Map card represents the theme of the month. The Triple Goddess card elaborates ways to achieve the theme. The Spirit Cats card gives me a guide card whose energy I can call upon when I need support.

Theme: #18 magic stream
How: King of Wands
Helper: flow

March 2018’s 3-card spread

Magic Stream sounds like some silly new age mumbo jumbo, but it really goes deeper than that. This card reminds us that everything IS interconnected. And it really is! Two years ago, I tore my ATFL and despite the prescribed rehab from my doctor, I’m still dealing with fallout from that injury— in my leg and up my body. So yeah, the magic stream is a fitting theme for this month. I need to take all those intensions from February, and put them into motion. It’s time to let the stream inspire me and my works.

The King of Wands is a master of the arts. He’s fiery and rules with a strict set of values. I will use him to tap into the universal flow. I’ll use the energy to support my work this month. If I’m going to do what I want, I want to be able to do it my way. All this fire fuels me and my passions.

Flow is this month’s guardian. Her name is Zephyr and I found getting her alongside the Magic Stream very fitting. Flow is such an important part of a creative process. It’s the headspace one gets into when they are on a role for writing, or divining. Flow is also being able to let go of control and allow the process take over. This is where the magic happens and I’m excited to have this spirit cat remind me to connect with this powerful force.